This is just the place to add some spice to teaching languages. Puzzles are available in 18 languages, to be downloaded, copied and distributed to students as homework or classroom assignments.
This is just the place to add some spice to teaching languages. Puzzles are available in 18 languages, to be downloaded, copied and distributed to students as homework or classroom assignments.
We have designed this book with fifty dual-language British-style crossword puzzles for those learning Polish, English or bilingual. Teachers can also use the book to aid in instructing students in either language. Available as a file, it offers an engaging way to reinforce vocabulary and prompt deeper learning. The unique format incorporates both Polish and English in the same crossword grid ensuring a fun yet challenging experience that helps students consolidate their knowledge.
Teachers can use these crosswords as homework assignments or in-class activities, reviewing and adapting each puzzle to suit the classroom’s needs. Additionally, for teachers who may instruct other languages, other language combinations can be made available upon request, expanding the versatility of this resource.
Please note that this book comprises English (US) spelling.
We have designed this book with over two hundred dual-language British-style crosswords and other puzzles (WordSearch, Coded and English grammar formats) for those learning Turkish, English, or bilingual. Teachers can also use the book to aid in instructing students in either language. Available as a PDF file, it offers an engaging way to reinforce vocabulary and prompt deeper learning. The unique format incorporates Turkish and English words in the same crossword grid, ensuring a fun yet challenging experience that helps students consolidate their knowledge.
Teachers can use these crosswords as homework assignments or in-class activities, reviewing and adapting each puzzle to suit the classroom’s needs. Additionally, for teachers who may instruct other languages, other language combinations can be made available upon request, expanding the versatility of this resource.
Please note that this book uses English (UK) spelling.
Dyma gasgliad o bosau croesair, codeiriau a chwileiriau Cymraeg-Saesneg sy’n defnyddio cronfa lai o eiriau sy’n addas i blant, myfyrwyr a dysgwyr canolradd y Gymraeg. Mae’r detholiad a ddefnyddir yn y llyfrgell yn cynnwys 2500 o eiriau yn y ddwy iaith, gan osgoi geiriau mwy cymhleth, aneglur neu brin eu defnydd.
Cysyniad sylfaenol y rhan fwyaf o’r posau yw, os yw’r cliw yn Saesneg, yna mae’r ateb yn Gymraeg ac fel arall. Mae’r posau wedi eu dylunio’n fentrus i wella sgiliau geirfa, ac mae llawer o eiriau’n ymddangos fwy nag unwaith fel modd o atgyfnerthu’r dysgu.
Croeseiriau mewn dwy iaith. Os yw’r cliw mewn un iaith,
mae’r ateb mewn iaith arall. Ar gael mewn amryw o ieithoedd:
e.e., Ffrangeg, Portiwgaleg, Iseldireg, Sbaeneg, a Cymraeg.
• Dyfeisiwyd gan luniwr croeseiriau proffesiynol a chyfieithwyr medrus.
• Ar gael mewn sawl gradd o anhawster, mewn gwahanol ieithoedd ac mewn sawl diwyg.
• yn hwyl, ac yn anodd eu rhoi o’r neilltu.
• Wedi’u cynllunio ar gyfer siaradwyr Saesneg sydd hefyd yn siarad iaith arall.
• yn berffaith ar gyfer croeseirwyr achlysurol a hen lawiau.
• yn berffaith ar gyfer myfyrwyr iaith mewn addysg bellach ac uwch, ac ar gyfer dysgwyr Cymraeg a siaradwyr rhugl fel ei gilydd.
This is a collection of Welsh-English crossword, codeword and wordsearch puzzles using a reduced set of words suitable for children, students and intermediate-level learners of Welsh. The selection used in the library comprises 2500 words in both languages thus avoiding more complex, obscure or little-used words. We’ll leave the more challenging words for another occasion.
The basic concept of most of the puzzles is that if the clue is in English, the answer is in Welsh and vice-versa. This is unashamedly designed to improve vocabulary skills and to help reinforce learning many words appear more than once.
This is a collection of 160 crosswords, codewords, and word search puzzles in English and Spanish mixed in the puzzle grid. The vocabulary has been reduced to an easy-to-medium level to help those learning a second language. We’ll leave the more challenging words for another occasion.
Crucigramas Crossmots:
• Son crucigramas en dos idiomas. Si la pista está en un idioma, la respuesta está en el otro. Están disponibles en varios idiomas: por ejemplo, francés, portugués, holandés y español.
• Diseñados por profesionales de la lengua y un creador de crucigramas profesional
• Están disponibles en diferentes dificultades, idiomas y formatos
• Son divertidos y adictivos
• Diseñados para lectores de habla inglesa y extranjeros
• Son perfectos tanto para aficionados a los crucigramas como para los que juegan ocasionalmente.
• Perfecto para estudiantes de idiomas de educación superior y para estudiantes de ESOL.
Crossmots crosswords:
• Are two-language crosswords. If the clue is in one language, the answer is in another.
• Provided in a range of languages, e.g., French, Portuguese, Dutch and Spanish
• Devised by language professionals and a professional crossword compiler
• Come in a range of difficulties, languages and formats
• Are fun and addictive
• Designed for both English-speaking and overseas readers.
• Perfect for the general and casual puzzler as well as dedicated crossword aficionados
• Perfect for language students in Further and Higher Education, and for ESOL students.
Una raccolta di oltre 150 rompicapi inglese-italiano in stile britannico, concepiti utilizzando un vocabolario di livello intermedio in entrambe le lingue. In questa raccolta, che è espressamente pensata per migliorare o confermare la comprensione del vocabolario in una seconda lingua, se la definizione è in una lingua la soluzione è nell’altra. Si tratta di un ottimo modo per imparare le lingue, per ricordare delle parole dimenticate da tempo o per scoprirne di nuove. Questo libro è un ottimo regalo per se stessi o per chi ama i cruciverba e parla entrambe le lingue.
This is a collection of over 150 English-Italian British-style puzzles designed to use an intermediate level of vocabulary in both languages. This collection is unashamedly designed to improve or confirm an understanding of vocabulary in a second language. If the clue is in one language, the answer is in the other. This is a great way to learn languages, recall long-forgotten words, or discover new words. We’ll leave the more challenging words for another occasion.
Esta é uma coleção de mais de 160 palavras-cruzadas e outros quebra-cabeças concebidos para ajudar a aprender, rever e recordar vocabulário de uma segunda língua. Neste caso, se for falante de língua inglesa, o objetivo é melhorar os seus conhecimentos de português e, da mesma forma, o inverso também é verdadeiro. Para os falantes nativos de português, isto ajuda a melhorar o seu conhecimento do vocabulário inglês.
Neste livro, utilizámos um conjunto reduzido de vocabulário descrito como fácil a médio. Deixamos as palavras mais difíceis para outra ocasião.
Neste livro, utilizámos um conjunto reduzido de vocabulário descrito como fácil a médio. Deixamos as palavras mais difíceis para outra ocasião
This is a collection of over 160 crosswords and other puzzles designed to help learners learn, revise, and recall the vocabulary of a second language. If you are English-speaking, this will improve your knowledge of Portuguese, and therefore, the reverse is also true. For native Portuguese speakers, this will help improve their knowledge of English vocabulary.
In this book, we have used a reduced vocabulary described as easy-to-medium. We leave the harder words for another occasion.
Mais de 160 palavras-cruzadas e quebra-cabeças concebidos para ajudar e melhorar seu vocabulário.
Crossmots Crosswords
• São palavras cruzadas em dois idiomas. Se a pista está num idioma, a resposta está em outro. Fornecidas em vários idiomas: por exemplo, francês, português, neerlandês, espanhol
• Idealizadas por profissionais de idiomas e um compilador profissional de palavras cruzadas
• Criadas numa variedade de dificuldades, idiomas e formatos
• São divertidas e viciantes
• Criadas para leitores de língua inglesa e estrangeiros.
• Perfeitas para quem normal ou casualmente resolve quebra-cabeças, bem como para os dedicados “aficionados” de palavras cruzadas
• Recursos de ensino ideais para a etapa de educação 3 do Reino Unido
• Perfeitas para estudantes de idiomas em Educação Continuada e Superior, e para alunos de inglês como segunda língua.
This is a collection of Portuguese (BR) English crossword, codeword, and word search puzzles using a reduced set of words suitable for children, students, and intermediate-level Portuguese learners. The selection used in the library comprises 2500 words in both languages, thus avoiding more complex, obscure puzzles. We’ll leave the more challenging words for another occasion.
The basic concept of all, and vice versa. This is unashamedly designed to improve vocabulary skills and help reinforce learning if the clue is in English, the answer is in Portuguese and vice-versa. This is unashamedly designed to strengthen vocabulary skills and to help reinforce learning many words appear more than once.
To zbiór 160 krzyżówek, zakodowanych słów i wykreślanek. Wszystkie łamigłówki napisane są zarówno w języku angielskim, jak i polskim, i mają na celu pomóc w nauce osobom z podstawowym poziomem zrozumienia tych języków. W przypadku wykreślanek oraz łamigłówek z zakodowanymi słowami oba języki pojawiają się w kratkach. W przypadku krzyżówek (tzw. Crossmots), jeśli wskazówka napisana jest po angielsku, odpowiedź, będącą jej bezpośrednim tłumaczeniem, należy wpisać po polsku i odwrotnie. W pozycji tej wykorzystano ograniczoną liczbę słów, a dokładniej zestaw słów otwarcie promujący naukę najczęściej używanych słówek.
This is a collection of 160 Crosswords, Codewords and WordSearch puzzles. All the puzzles are written in both English and Polish and are designed to help those with a basic level of understanding in both languages. For the Codeword and WordSearch puzzles, both languages appear on the grid. For the Crosswords (called Crossmots) if the clue is written in English the answer, which is a direct translation, is in Polish and vice versa. The book is primarily created with a reduced vocabulary, specifically with a set of words unashamedly to promote learning common words. We’ll leave the more challenging words for another occasion.
Bu kitap, ikinci bir dilin sözcüklerini öğrenmeye, gözden geçirmeye ve hatırlamaya yardımcı olmak için tasarlanmış 160’ın üzerinde bulmaca ve çapraz bulmacaların bir toplamından oluşmaktadır. Bu durumda, eğer İngilizce konuşuyorsanız, bu Türkçe bilginizi geliştirmek içindir ve aynı şekilde tersi de geçerlidir. Ana dili Türkçe olanlar için bu kitap İngilizce kelime bilginizi geliştirmeye yardımcı olur.
Bu kitapta, kolay-orta olarak tanımlanan azaltılmış bir kelime seti kullandık. Daha zor kelimeleri bir dahaki sefere bırakıyoruz.
This is a collection of over 160 crosswords and other puzzles designed to help you learn, revise, and recall the vocabulary of a second language. If you are English-speaking, this will improve your knowledge of Turkish, and therefore, the reverse is also true. To help, in this book, we have used a reduced set of vocabulary that is described as easy-to-medium. We’ll leave the more challenging words for another occasion.
Dies ist eine Sammlung von über 150 Kreuzworträtseln, Codewort-Rätseln und Wortsuchrätseln mit einem reduzierten Wortschatz von etwa 5000 Wörtern, die Englischsprechern beim Erlernen der deutschen Sprache bzw. Deutschlernern beim Erlernen der englischen Sprache helfen soll, ihren Wortschatz zu verbessern. Es wird auch denjenigen, die beide Sprachen fließend beherrschen, Spaß bereiten, um ihren Wortschatz zu festigen oder lang vergessene Wörter wieder aufzufrischen.
This is a collection of over 150 Crosswords, Codewords, and Word Search puzzles that use a reduced vocabulary set of some 5,000 words designed to help English speakers learning German or German speakers learning English improve their vocabulary. It is also fun for those fluent in both languages to reinforce vocabulary knowledge or to recall long-forgotten words. We’ll leave the more challenging words for another occasion.
We have designed this book with one hundred dual-language British-style crossword puzzles for those learning Finnish, English or bilingual. Teachers can also use the book to aid in instructing students in either language. Available as a PDF file, it offers an engaging way to reinforce vocabulary and prompt deeper learning. The unique format incorporates both Finnish and English in the same crossword grid ensuring a fun yet challenging experience that helps students consolidate their knowledge.
Teachers can use these crosswords as homework assignments or in-class activities, reviewing and adapting each puzzle to suit the classroom’s needs. Additionally, for teachers who may instruct other languages, other language combinations can be made available upon request, expanding the versatility of this resource.
We have designed this book with one hundred dual-language British-style crossword puzzles for those learning Ukrainian, English or bilingual. Teachers can also use the book to aid in instructing students in both languages. Available as a PDF file, it offers an engaging way to reinforce vocabulary and prompt deeper learning. The unique format incorporates both Ukrainian and English: fifty crosswords have English clues, but the answers are in Ukrainian, and the other fifty puzzles are the other way around, ensuring a fun yet challenging experience that helps students consolidate their knowledge.
Teachers can use these crosswords as homework assignments or in-class activities, reviewing and adapting each puzzle to suit the classroom’s needs. Additionally, for teachers who may instruct other languages, other language combinations can be made available upon request, expanding the versatility of this resource.
We have designed this book with one hundred dual-language British-style crossword puzzles for those learning Danish, English or bilingual. Teachers can also use the book to aid in instructing students in either language. Available as a PDF file, it offers an engaging way to reinforce vocabulary and prompt deeper learning. The unique format incorporates both Danish and English in the same crossword grid ensuring a fun yet challenging experience that helps students consolidate their knowledge.
Teachers can use these crosswords as homework assignments or in-class activities, reviewing and adapting each puzzle to suit the classroom’s needs. Additionally, for teachers who may instruct other languages, other language combinations can be made available upon request, expanding the versatility of this resource.
We have designed this book with one hundred dual-language British-style crossword puzzles for those learning Dutch, English or bilingual. Teachers can also use the book to aid in instructing students in either language. Available as a PDF file, it offers an engaging way to reinforce vocabulary and prompt deeper learning. The unique format incorporates both Dutch and English in the same crossword grid ensuring a fun yet challenging experience that helps students consolidate their knowledge.
Teachers can use these crosswords as homework assignments or in-class activities, reviewing and adapting each puzzle to suit the classroom’s needs. Additionally, for teachers who may instruct other languages, other language combinations can be made available upon request, expanding the versatility of this resource.
We have designed this book with one hundred dual-language British-style crossword puzzles for those learning Gaelic, English or bilingual. Teachers can also use the book to aid in instructing students in either language. Available as a PDF file, it offers an engaging way to reinforce vocabulary and prompt deeper learning. The unique format incorporates both Gaelic and English in the same crossword grid ensuring a fun yet challenging experience that helps students consolidate their knowledge.
Teachers can use these crosswords as homework assignments or in-class activities, reviewing and adapting each puzzle to suit the classroom’s needs. Additionally, for teachers who may instruct other languages, other language combinations can be made available upon request, expanding the versatility of this resource.
We have designed this book with one hundred dual-language British-style crossword puzzles for those learning Hungarian, English or bilingual. Teachers can also use the book to aid in instructing students in either language. Available as a PDF file, it offers an engaging way to reinforce vocabulary and prompt deeper learning. The unique format incorporates both Hungarian and English in the same crossword grid ensuring a fun yet challenging experience that helps students consolidate their knowledge.
Teachers can use these crosswords as homework assignments or in-class activities, reviewing and adapting each puzzle to suit the classroom’s needs. Additionally, for teachers who may instruct other languages, other language combinations can be made available upon request, expanding the versatility of this resource.
We have designed this book with one hundred dual-language British-style crossword puzzles for those learning Greek, English or bilingual. Teachers can also use the book to aid in instructing students in Greek or English. Available as a PDF file, it offers an engaging way to reinforce vocabulary and prompt deeper learning. The unique format incorporates both Greek and English: fifty crosswords have English clues, but the answers are in Greek, and the other fifty puzzles are the other way around, ensuring a fun yet challenging experience that helps students consolidate their knowledge.
Teachers can use these crosswords as homework assignments or in-class activities, reviewing and adapting each puzzle to suit the classroom’s needs. Additionally, for teachers who may instruct other languages, other language combinations can be made available upon request, expanding the versatility of this resource.
We have designed this book with one hundred dual-language British-style crossword puzzles for those learning Polish, English or bilingual. Teachers can also use the book to aid in instructing students in either language. Available as a PDF file, it offers an engaging way to reinforce vocabulary and prompt deeper learning. The unique format incorporates both Polish and English in the same crossword grid ensuring a fun yet challenging experience that helps students consolidate their knowledge.
Teachers can use these crosswords as homework assignments or in-class activities, reviewing and adapting each puzzle to suit the classroom’s needs. Additionally, for teachers who may instruct other languages, other language combinations can be made available upon request, expanding the versatility of this resource.
e have designed this book with one hundred dual-language British-style crossword puzzles for those learning Romanian, English or bilingual. Teachers can also use the book to aid in instructing students in either language. Available as a PDF file, it offers an engaging way to reinforce vocabulary and prompt deeper learning. The unique format incorporates both Romanian and English in the same crossword grid ensuring a fun yet challenging experience that helps students consolidate their knowledge.
Teachers can use these crosswords as homework assignments or in-class activities, reviewing and adapting each puzzle to suit the classroom’s needs. Additionally, for teachers who may instruct other languages, other language combinations can be made available upon request, expanding the versatility of this resource.
We have designed this book with one hundred dual-language British-style crossword puzzles for those learning Turkish, English, or bilingual. Teachers can also use the book to aid in instructing students in either language. Available as a PDF file, it offers an engaging way to reinforce vocabulary and prompt deeper learning. The unique format incorporates both Turkish and English in the same crossword grid ensuring a fun yet challenging experience that helps students consolidate their knowledge.
Teachers can use these crosswords as homework assignments or in-class activities, reviewing and adapting each puzzle to suit the classroom’s needs. Additionally, for teachers who may instruct other languages, other language combinations can be made available upon request, expanding the versatility of this resource.